Banner with one sigil on each side of lettering. Text reads: Soulfull Integration - Intuitive Life Coaching and Holistic Healing - You are seen. You are heard. You are known. You are loved.

Hi!  My name is Michelle Nichols.  Welcome to my little corner of the world.  I am an intuitive life coach and holistic healer.  I’m really good at helping people become clear on who they are and what they want (as opposed to what they think they “should” want).  Then, I’m really good at supporting people as they go after what they want.

And I help deal with all the yuck as this all unfolds.  This has been my life’s journey – learning about who I am and what I want, and then creating it and allowing myself to receive it.  I’ve done it over and over, learning more about myself and how I fit into the world each time.

Here are some of the things I have experienced along the way:

  • At the end of 3rd grade, I realized I was a fake and had no idea who I really was.  This is really where this whole process started.
  • In 11th grade, I realized I was missing a connection with God.
  • I went to college.  I failed out.
  • I got married.  I had a daughter.
  • I went back to college and graduated.
  • I struggled with a toxic relationship with my grandmother.
  • I worked a series of jobs, finally discovering some things I did very well.
  • I planned and implemented my first event.
  • I started a business.
  • My daughter moved out of the house.
  • My grandmother died.

Each of these things required me to examine who I was and who I wanted to be.  With each change, I found I had new needs and desires.  Each change required new tools and a different level of healing.  I am in a perfect place to help people who want to explore who they are and what they want.  If any of this resonates with you, I invite you to explore my offerings below.

My favorite way to support my clients is through Intuitive Healing.  I believe that all my clients are whole, complete humans.  They are worthy, amazing, and capable just as they are.

Why Intuitive Healing? 

When people come to me, it is for one of two reasons:

(1) They have been handling something that has caused them to feel like they have lost their shine.  In other words, they are feeling less awesome than they would like.  

(2) They would like some support to continue being their amazing selves in the world.  They may be seeking some specific sort of transformation.

The great news is, Intuitive Healing helps with both situations!

What is an Intuitive Healing Session Like?

Intuitive Healing sessions occur through conversation between me and you.  At the beginning of each session, I will ask you to set an intention of what you would like to receive during our time together.  Next, I will check in with my intuition, my guides, and Creator and ask what is in your highest and best good to explore during this session.  You will be able to share in a safe and confidential space.

All sessions take place over Zoom.  You will have the option of receiving a recorded session, and I will provide notes for you within a few days of your session.

How Much Does it Cost? 

The investment for each session is $125 and approximately one hour of time. 

What Else Should I Know? 

Intuitive Healing allows me to play and share with you several tools in my toolbox.  Intuitive Healing may include any of the following modalities (and new ones as I continue my own transformational journey): 

  • Reiki – Unconditional love, healing on all levels, reduction of stress and overwhelm
  • Theta Healing – Clearing beliefs on the subconscious level that are holding you back and replacing them with beliefs that will serve you better
  • Brainstorming 
  • Mentoring 
  • Guided Meditation 
  • Goal Formulation
  • Human Design Interpretation (Sh!  Don’t spoil the surprise, but this one is coming soon!)

How Do I Sign Up? 

Email me at michelle@soulfullintegration and let me know that you are interested in a session.  I also welcome messages and friend requests through my personal Facebook page:

I Want More (Or: I’m Interested in Support at a Deeper Level)

If you’d like help with a major transformation or ongoing support, this is the work I LOVE to do!  Email me at to set up a consult call.  You will receive value from the call itself, and we can talk about options for longer-term support.


Marquette Holistic Health Fair

Location: Marquette, MI

Date: November 16, 2024

Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

What I’ll be doing at the event:

  • Hosting!  🙂

Click on the image link to visit the Facebook event page.